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What is the price of gold per ounce?

Price of Gold. Gold Price per Ounce: 1,685.28. -27.12. Gold Price per Gram: 54.18. -0.87. Gold Price per Kilo: 54,183.01.

Where can I find the current gold price?

The current gold price can be readily found in newspapers and online. Although prices per ounce in dollars are typically used, you can also easily access the gold price in alternative currencies and alternative weights. Smaller investors, for example, may be more interested in the price of gold per gram than ounces or kilos.

How many times has the price of gold changed?

The Government of the United States has changed the price of gold per ounce only four times since 1792 to the present. In 1792, the price of gold was $19.75 per troy ounce. It rose to $20.67 in 1834. In 1834, it rose again to almost 60%, amounting to $35 per ounce. In 1972, the price was raised to $38 and then to $42.22 in 1973.

Is the gold price the same as the spot price?

The gold price can, however, be quoted in any currency by the ounce, gram or kilo. The price of gold is constantly on the move and can be affected by many different factors. Is the Gold Price the Same as the Spot Price? When looking at gold prices, the figures quoted are typically going to be spot gold prices unless otherwise specified.

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